Friday, February 20, 2009


Its true to it's name. A gaggle of pit stop places and overnight abodes are scattered off exit 41. From my window I can see the pool which I will not be swimming in and the interstate passing through the valley.

Today's drive was the most enjoyable drive thus far. With ascents up mountains and hills and bridges spanning valleys and waterways, it made for a scenic route. Only once did I see another plate from Massachusetts. Besides that it was all Virginia, Maryland and a sprinkling of other northeast states.

Although I expected it to be warm and to see leaves here, I am content with the landscape, the weather, and the lush greens of the pines.

1 comment:

  1. hello jon black! i'm surprised you even remember who i am!

    your web site seems quite interesting; and i definitely envy your very concrete reason for keeping a blog. as well as your endlessly appropriate last name, jon black the blacksmith.

