Saturday, February 14, 2009

I ____ New York

Sitting in a Starbucks eating a baguette and cheese which I bought elsewhere, drinking a coffee I also bought elsewhere, Terry sat down beside me at the window bar. Of course we didn't formally introduce till 45 minutes into the conversation, but thats beside the point. I've had random conversation with wonderful people while here in the city. Last night, while eating a mixed-berry cobbler in a hole-in-the-wall eatery Mary and her mother (if you're reading this forgive me, I'm terrible with names) struck up a talk on all things travel and art. Terry, an investment banker with Citi Group, talked about everything under the sun. A self-proclaimed southerner, he said he'd be able to talk all night if it weren't for dinner reservations uptown.

Sitting in the window on Hudson Ave I saw men walk by with bouquets in hand, lovers with matching red scarves and couples carrying each-other's hands. Valentines day had a choke hold on the city, and it was most apparent on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building:

Earlier in the day I visited the Museum of Modern Art. Below are pictures of my favorite pieces:


  1. Well, you were kind of close. Correction: Jessica and her mother Maria. :) Those photos from the Empire State Building capture a wonderful view of this dazzling city!

  2. I'm just realizing now that people commented on my blog, haha.. If you somehow read this, and if you're keeping a travel blog, I'd love to follow it. If not, perhaps you'd be interested in writing, doing a penpal thing? anyways my email is
