Monday, February 23, 2009

John C. Campbell

I arrived yesterday afternoon around three, and was into the forge by eight. Susan Hutchinson, my teacher, stood five-foot-something-small and was maybe just as or more excited than we were. In all there are seven people in my class coming from as far away as Illinois, California, and Alaska. Joseph, the guy from Alaska, has been here for one week and is going to be staying for three more. He is a boat builder by trade and wants to be able to incorporate traditional techniques in his craft. He showed the class oar locks he made last week, and they were something else. While we practiced making points and hooks he blackened his pieces which is a process where you heat up the metal to a black heat and apply a wax. When it cools down the metal and wax harden and its given almost a matte black finish.

I don't have any pictures just yet but should have some tomorrow. The only place with wi-fi here is the main lodge, it has a name but its escaping me at the moment. I'm not sure whether I'll be blogging in the mornings or the night just yet, it all depends on how much. time I can spend in the forge..

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